Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am like the worst blogger (ugh..that word sux) ever! It has been over a year since my last post? What the hell? Anyway. Here's a bunch of pictures from a show I worked on called Silent Library.These were all taken behind the scenes during our prep time before the show started shooting. There is so much weirdness going on there daily that we often forget to take pictures. But there are a few gems here

Wardrobe Malfunction

OK, without going into to much detail and suffering the wrath of Viacoms legal army...this is a giant tractor tire we were trying to explode. The damn thing just wouldn't pop.

But it did roll...

When I am at work and I see this it makes me happy.

This is Craig. He is like our Shaman/ Life Coach/ Dietitian.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sometimes there is a giant purple pill dancing around. And sometimes some random guido types join in to make it that much weirder. This was for a training video for drug reps. How this is supposed to help people do their jobs better I have no idea.

From untitled album

From untitled album

This is your life.

From untitled album


There is something about a green screen set that just screams boredom.

From untitled album

From untitled album

Viking Party

I took these pictures at a recent Comedy Central job. It was a promo for T Mobile I think. This viking guy shows up at a party with a rotisserie chicken. Then he gets crazy with some dance moves. I just like these pictures because it just looks funny to see a viking guy in this suburban house.

From untitled album

From untitled album

Actually the house is kind of interesting. It's called the Johnson House. It is pretty much only for shooting. Everything is fake and moveable. It has been around for years and there are lots of photo albums around with pictures from different shoots over the years.

I will be back there soon enough and will take some more pictures of the place and maybe talk to someone who works there.

a couple more from Demitri Martin

I found a couple more pictures from working on the Demitri Martin show. This first one is of John Gardner. He is an awesome guy. He is dressed up here to be an extra in the "Moderate Games" sketch

From untitled album

Next is the nest I made filled with the eggs that hatch chicken nuggets for the "Bird Pranks" sketch

From untitled album

It looks sorta real I guess.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Important Things With Demitri MArtin

I worked on this show "Important Things With Demitri Martin" I did a bunch of the props on it. Here are some pictures of stuff I made.
From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek
From the "Bird Pranks" sketch. A bird walks under this and someone pulls the string and the bucket tips over and pours water on the bird.
From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek
Renaissance era rollerblades
From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek
They kinda worked
From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek
Medieval Sex ed handbook.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Studio

I am really excited to have, for the first time in I can't even remember how long, a space to paint and work on projects. Here. Come see.
From studio visit

From studio visit
From studio visit

Work in progress
From studio visit

From studio visit
From studio visit

From studio visit

From studio visit

From studio visit

From studio visit

From studio visit

From studio visit