Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cat Scratch Fever

This is a job i did at MTV a while ago. It was a fake music video about a weird euro rocker guy, and his cat. He discovers his cat cheating on him with another cat and is his heart is broken. He expresses his anguish through the majesty of song. Here are some pictures.

From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek

Stanblani in his scratching post world.

From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek

This set was based on an old Sting video with lots and lots of candles.

From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek

Stanblani finds this celebrity cat tabloid on a newsstand with news of his cats affair splashed across the headlines.

From Sets and Props by Brandon Cheek

My wife Rebecca helped me make this awesome oversized cat toy. That's our cat in the picture.